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How to Access Report Cards in Infinite Campus

How to view report cards in Infinite Campus graphic
Hannah Nash
Quarter 1 report cards will be available in Infinite Campus this Friday, October 25.
To access your student's report card, please follow these steps:
  1. Login to Infinite Campus: Via your web browser or the Campus Parent app.
  2. Select your student: If you have multiple students under your account, click on the name of the child whose grades you wish to view on the main dashboard. You can toggle between students using the person icon in the top left of the dashboard
  3. Open the Menu: Click on the three lines in the top-left corner of the screen.
  4. Select “Grades” to see your student’s grades and make sure Q1 is selected.
  5. From the same menu, click on “Documents”
  6. Under Report Card, click “North Carolina Report Card” to view and print all of your student’s Q1 grades.

If you have any questions or need additional help accessing your student's report card, please do not hesitate to reach out to your school's data manager.

Thank you for your continued engagement in your child's education. We appreciate your support.

First page of the PDF file: ReportCardGuideInfiniteCampus1
First page of the PDF file: Spanish Infinite Campus Report Card Guide