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Principal's Message

Welcome to Manteo High School! MHS is dedicated to preparing every student for life beyond high school, no matter what path that is. We encourage all students to become active in the many, varied activities the school offers, whether it be sports, band, clubs, community service projects, or plays. We have an activity for everyone!


Academically, we offer a variety of Advanced Placement (AP) classes and very rigorous courses in math, science, English, social studies, and world language. Along with these core classes, we have CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses, online opportunities such as the North Carolina Virtual Public School, and the College and Career Promise Program, which allows students to earn college credits while enrolled in high school. More information about the College and Career Promise Program is on our district website


To help our students achieve, our school is in its eighth year of our one-to-one initiative, making a Chromebook available to each student.


The many accomplishments and achievements of our students reflect a shared dedication by our staff, students, parents, and community to provide the best learning opportunities for all of our young people. For as long as the state has assigned growth to its schools, Manteo High School has led the district in the number of years it has exceeded growth. The faculty continues to strive to achieve excellence each year by the use of Intervention Time (IT), Saturday School, and computer-assisted programs.


Our website, our school Facebook page, our weekly episodes of The Chatterbox, and email blasts through Blackboard are a few of the tools we use to promote parent and community engagement in the academic, athletic, and artistic endeavors of our students and to celebrate their successes. 


We encourage parents and guardians to regularly access student attendance and academic progress through the parent portal of PowerSchool. 


Finally, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our community for the continuous support they showed us this past year during very trying times. 


Good luck, and have a very productive year!

Contact Principal Luciano

John Luciano 
(252) 473-5841